Showing posts with label diabetes community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diabetes community. Show all posts

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Let The Storm Rage On

...the cold never bothered me anyway? Well, tis (almost) the season for such movies. You might have realised from the image above that this isn't a blog post about Frozen or Christmas  Instead, I'd like to talk about everyone's favourite subject; social media. Gah! I know quite a lot of you are now going to close this window, unfollow me, throw away your phone and report me to the police. I might deserve some of that! I mean, have you READ my tweets?! Jeez!

For the handful of you who remain, let's get into it. Sometimes, I "do a lot of socials" and not just for myself. From time to time, I work for others (volunteered and paid roles) alongside my own blathering. It's cool, I like the interactions and social media has opened a world of experiences for me. It's helped my health, too. My T1D is unrecognisable from what it used to be just 6 or 7 years ago. That's an incredible thing if you really consider it. It also paints the general population in a great light, especially diabetics, as they are the driving force behind my current diabetes management and stable health.

I've thanked the online diabetes community in several blog posts and posts on socials. They truly are a great bunch and if you're new to that world, embrace it and soak up all the info and support that you need. In other posts, I've issued warnings to people to be cautious online. Despite the majority of people having no agenda but to assist others and gain their own support, there will always be a minority who are looking for something else. What are those things? The list is likely long, but you can probably include; using others for profits, career progression, gratification, and self promotion. I've experienced those things and more. Perhaps you have, too. Whilst that's sad, particularly as the diabetes world is focused around health, it's not very surprising. This is the Internet, of course!

Part of the online diabetes community is GBDoc. You're probably aware of it if you stumbled upon this post via a link on one of my socials. I've had a lot of involvement in that community and, again, it's been tremendous. When I began tweeting about diabetes, I was very determined to not involve myself with any community or organisation. That probably lasted about a month! and after a year or so, I was asked to be a volunteer along with several others. Volunteers have come and gone in the last 5 years. They had their reasons and their departures didn't affect me. We remained friends, largely, and some are still kicking around on socials today.

And now it's my turn to depart.

I've simply lost the motivation to continue to freely give my time to GBDoc. There are reasons for that and there are absolutely a select group of people who are behind those reasons. To detail each would result in a very long blog post and it would probably create an online inferno. My own personal attacks have included accusations of stigmatising others, subversive posts that target others, discriminating against others who are not British, not fact-checking things I retweet (because I'm CNN, obviously)... and I'm going to stop there because even as I type those things, and even after some time has passed, I feel affected by those accusations and the shocking levels of entitlement to tell me how I run my own personal account. I'm not perfect. Indeed, there have been times when I've corrected or removed something I knew to be wrong or even something that could be misinterpreted. Over the years, I've listened to others and made apologies for my own errors and, unnecessarily, the misinterpretations of others. Those instances were on Twitter (now X) which has never really been the easiest place to read tone from or gain much from in the way of great detail - unless you have a verified account and you love writing essays, of course!

I'm not looking for sympathy. However, I feel sorry for my friend, Jules. She's well known for living with some serious conditions which are exacerbated by stress. To listen to her breaking and tearful about the whole saga was very tough. The non-apology and the carry-on-regardless nature of those involved was bewildering. "Bewildering" was the best I could muster after deleting various expletives. Of course, you should form your own judgements if you wish, but from someone "on the inside" I know the hurtful remarks made about GBDoc volunteers (managed by Jules) were so far removed from reality. I hope that she'll come back one day. I'm sure the community will continue to thrive in whatever guise. 

There is much more I could add to this post. I may follow up at a later date. There will, of course, be more blog posts on other subjects in the days, weeks and months to come. If you're from GBDoc, it's been lovely to volunteer for you since 2018. Stay well. 

If you enjoyed this blog and you'd like to support me over the time that I give to others, my online content, or if you'd like some direct support from me then check out these links:

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Power Of Sharing

In the world of diabetes management, every day brings unique challenges. Yet, through the power of advocacy and awareness, individuals with diabetes are finding the strength to face these challenges head-on. This blog post revolves around a compelling story shared to me by an online diabetes peer, which beautifully encapsulates the impact of diabetes advocacy and the resilience of those living with the condition.

Our peer shared a moment from their life that unfolded during a seminar. It was a day like any other, but their insulin pump had other plans. It malfunctioned, resulting in high glucose levels—a situation that can be unsettling for anyone. Instead of feeling embarrassed, this individual demonstrated remarkable composure. They calmly injected insulin and replaced their pump set right there in the room, without leaving or excusing themselves. In their own words, they did it "like it's a normal thing...which it is apart from injecting."

Here is their message, shared with permission: 

This story carries a profound message, not just for people with diabetes but for everyone:

The Power of Advocacy: The online diabetes community, along with dedicated advocates, has played a pivotal role in raising awareness about diabetes. Their efforts have contributed to a more informed and understanding society, allowing individuals like our peer to feel supported and empowered.

Breaking Down Stigmas: Our peer's ability to manage their diabetes openly and confidently challenges the stigmas surrounding the condition. It exemplifies that dealing with diabetes, even in unconventional situations, should be normalised and accepted.

Self-Empowerment: This story is a testament to the resilience and self-empowerment that individuals with diabetes can cultivate. When people understand that diabetes is a part of life but doesn't define it, they can confidently manage it without feeling the need to hide.

Inspiration to Others: The courage displayed by our peer serves as an inspiration to me and I hope others in the diabetes community. It shows that unpredictable moments can be met with grace and that diabetes doesn't have to hold anyone back.

The Importance of Preparedness: While managing diabetes is a day-to-day reality, moments like the one our peer experienced highlight the importance of preparedness. Knowing how to handle such situations and sharing this knowledge can benefit the entire community.

This story is a testament to the transformative power of diabetes advocacy and the resilience of those living with the condition. Through advocacy, we can break down stigmas, inspire self-empowerment, and encourage a sense of normalcy in managing diabetes. Our peer's experience during that seminar is proof that, with the right support and awareness, individuals with diabetes can confidently navigate even the most unexpected moments with confidence, ensuring that diabetes doesn't define them, but rather, becomes just another part of their remarkable lives. 

I talk about my diabetes a lot and I do that simply to share my experiences. Remarkably, that simple act can have a hugely positive impact on others. I strongly encourage you, reader, to share your own experiences about diabetes. 

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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Keep Me In The Loop

The T Slim X2 insulin pump showing control IQ in use

Type 1 Diabetes tech can advance pretty quickly. Even access to it, in some areas, has greatly improved in recent times and for that we have much to be grateful for. Of course, there is far more to do than has already been done. There are many who struggle to access some very basic things and, in the UK at least, a yawning disparity in care is obvious between areas. If the playing field will ever be levelled is debatable. With my most optimistic hat on, it seems certain to be a drawn process, as with many aspects of NHS care.

Yet! We continue to advance diabetes care in the UK (probably beyond) thanks to a little thing called "Peer support" Actually, it's not little at all. In terms of numbers, the peer support groups both online and in person, have grown enormously over the last few years. Indeed, you'll see diabetes-care-engaged HCPs communicating with these groups, recognising their importance, referring patients, etc. 

For me, it's not little at all in terms of the impact on my health and life.

Back in 2017, I had recently reached a "milestone age" and after going through a great deal of diabetes related issues I thought it was time to get to grips with my T1D. The story is long and rather dull, in short it involved creating social media and forum accounts, sharing, learning and trying to be the best diabetic that I could be. I anticipated that I'd be largely on my own, that I'd pick up a few useful tips among the keto scams and cinnamon cures. I was wrong, I was definitely not on my own.

If you arrived here via Twitter, there is a great chance that you already know about #GBDoc. It is a tremendous community, run entirely by volunteers who just want to learn and stay well as much as everyone else. I mention the hashtag often and I do promote the community when the opportunity arises. I don't run it or have any influence in what happens. I'm a volunteer, learning, trying to stay well and hopefully assisting others in the same.

I try to give as much as possible to my peers within #GBDoc because since day one I have been inundated with kindness. Sure, as with any community, there will be disagreements and people will come and go. Yet, the core of #GBDoc has remained and from everything I've read and learned, I believe the community has evolved into a more inclusive, community driven, place rather than the individually run entity it once was.

In the last six and a half years, I have met hundreds of community members in person. I'm very likely to meet hundreds more. Each time, it was a delight. I love to learn about others, to talk, to laugh and to share experiences. From the hundreds, I have close bonds with many people who are now incredibly good friends. If you enjoy socialising then #GBDoc can certainly improve that aspect of your life!

Let's focus on the direct impact that peer support has had on my health. In 2017, I was finger pricking and injecting and that was the extent of my T1D management. Today, I write this blog post as somebody who is using Hybrid Closed Loop to manage my diabetes. Essentially, an insulin pump is communicating with a CGM to make frequent adjustments to my insulin dose without my input, aside from entering carb counts and other very minimal-effort engagements (see the photo used for this post). If you don't have T1D, your pancreas does a similar job, but this is not an artificial pancreas. I'll blog more about HCL in a week or two. 

HCL is the latest development from my accessing of the peer support in #GBDoc. Before that, there have been many other examples of help from the community members. Items include:

- A donated insulin pump
- Many donated insulin pump consumables
- CGM transmitters
- CGM and Flash sensors
- Ketones test strips
- Glucose drinks
- Sweets, chocolates, lots of coffees!

The last one might not be hugely impactful on my diabetes management, but it helps and they were much appreciated! I didn't ask for any of those items. Various individuals took it upon themselves to offer their time, energy and money to help me. The physical items are one thing, the enormous amount of education is something else. There really is no better place to learn about T1D than from those who live with it. Every little snippet of info, every little trick, hack, guidance and signposting is a little bit more ammunition to go to war with. Over the years, I've absorbed it all. It feels like I've studied for a medical degree in some respects.

Of course, I do what I can to give back. "Pay it forward" is the often used term for a good deed. I won't list my involvements in diabetes related initiatives in this post. This post is about the others who do wonderful, kind, things for people without really realising the positive impact it can have. You are saving lives, prolonging lives, improving lives. I don't write that sentence flippantly. I truly believe it. You may never be officially recognised, but I see you. Thank you.

If you enjoyed this blog and you'd like to support me over the time that I give to others, my online content, or if you'd like some direct support from me then check out these links:




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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Diabetes Abuse


Living with diabetes can be a challenging experience, and connecting with others who understand what it’s like can be incredibly beneficial. However, as with any community, there can be issues that arise, including abusive behaviour. Unfortunately, even within the diabetes community, there are people who engage in abusive behaviour towards their fellow diabetics. This can take many forms, from bullying and shaming to outright harassment and intimidation.

It’s important to recognise that abusive behaviour is never acceptable, regardless of who is engaging in it or why. No matter how frustrated or angry someone may be, it is never okay to take that out on another person, especially someone who is dealing with the same struggles that you are. In fact, engaging in abusive behaviour towards other diabetics is particularly harmful because it can undermine the sense of community and support that is so important in managing diabetes.

Here are some of the reasons why it’s essential to not accept abusive behaviour within the diabetes community:

• It undermines the support system

One of the most significant benefits of the diabetes community is the sense of support and understanding that it provides. When you connect with other diabetics, you can share your experiences, exchange advice and tips, and find comfort in the fact that you are not alone. However, when abusive behaviour is present, it can erode that sense of support and understanding.

People who are subjected to abuse may feel isolated and alone, as if they have no one to turn to who will understand what they are going through. This can make it more challenging to manage diabetes, as the support that they would usually rely on is no longer available. It’s essential to create a safe and supportive environment within the diabetes community to ensure that everyone feels comfortable seeking and offering support.

• It can have negative mental health consequences

Abusive behaviour can have a significant impact on mental health. For people with diabetes, who already have to manage the stress and anxiety that comes with living with a chronic condition, this can be especially harmful. Abuse can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and worthlessness, which can exacerbate existing mental health issues or even lead to the development of new ones.

It’s crucial to prioritise mental health within the diabetes community, and that means not accepting abusive behaviour. People with diabetes need a supportive environment where they can feel safe discussing their struggles and seeking help when they need it. If abusive behaviour is present, it can make people feel even more isolated and alone, which can be detrimental to their mental health.

• It perpetuates harmful stereotypes

Unfortunately, there are still many harmful stereotypes and misconceptions about diabetes. Some people believe that diabetes is a result of poor lifestyle choices, and that people with diabetes are lazy, unmotivated, or lacking in willpower. These stereotypes are not only untrue, but they are also harmful and can contribute to the stigma that people with diabetes face.

When people within the diabetes community engage in abusive behaviour, they are perpetuating these harmful stereotypes. By shaming or bullying other diabetics, they are essentially saying that they believe these stereotypes are true, and that people who struggle with diabetes are somehow to blame for their condition. This can be incredibly damaging, both to the individual who is being targeted and to the community as a whole.

• It creates an unsafe environment

Abusive behaviour can create an unsafe environment within the diabetes community. People who are subjected to abuse may feel uncomfortable attending diabetes-related events or engaging with others in the community. They may feel that they are at risk of being targeted again, and that they have no recourse if that happens.

Creating a safe environment within the diabetes community means ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and supported. No one should feel as though they are at risk of being targeted or harassed. When abusive behaviour is present, it can undermine that sense of safety within the community.

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Friday, March 10, 2023

The Importance of Diabetes Community

It has been around six years since I took a deep breath and pressed the record button on the video app of my phone. I blundered through an introduction video, deleted it, wrote a script, blundered through that and deleted it. Eventually, I decided on something that was a few minutes long and sent it to my YouTube channel. Of course, nothing happened. It did get a few views! Really... just a few, but that was enough to inspire me to make more and seek out others who live with Type 1 Diabetes. I'm so very glad that I did.

The last six years have been eye opening, jaw dropping, heart wrenching, gut churning, annoying and, most importantly, absolutely wonderful. The good, the bad and the ugly have all visited my social media accounts. The vast majority of the visits have been good and that's why I'm writing this new blog post. The good has had such a profound effect upon my diabetes, my outlook, my social life and my confidence. The good comes in the form of community.

I think it's only fair that I start with GBDoc. You probably knew that was coming! But, what a remarkable community of people and such longevity! GBDoc has been around for far longer than I have in diabetes social media, over a decade apparently. It has had many guises, many volunteers, a few leaders, thousands of members, several platforms, a website, controversy, love, hate and friendship. Sometimes, it feels like Eastenders with boluses - only the acting is better and the story lines are more interesting. Drama aside, the support and information from GBDoc has been incredible. I wonder where I might be in my T1D journey without this community? Where might you be? I suspect much worse off, maybe less knowledgeable, struggling for tech access, more isolated...

...GBDoc isn't the only diabetes community. Different countries have their own communities and that makes perfect sense as healthcare, access to meds and tech, societal differences, etc can differ hugely between nations. Some communities try to cover a global "scene" and that's cool too. From other people, other countries, other values, other uses of language, we can learn a great deal alongside (for me at least) helping to recognise privilege.

Communities are very fluid places. As time passes, people come and go perhaps because they have gained the help and information they need, perhaps they didn't get what they expected, maybe they died! Many reasons can cause the disappearance of an individual from an online community just as many reasons can bring about new faces. 

In my six years of community engagement I have gained so many friends - I really couldn't list them all without forgetting a few. Some have been friends for almost the entire six years and I hope they remain so for the rest of our days. Some have drifted away, a few decided to not be friends at all after a while. That seems like very normal human behaviour and I'm quite accepting of it. Community makes friendship easier to develop and blossom. If you're feeling isolated and lonely with your diabetes then the community could be the answer.

 Away from being bestie mates with lots of new people, your diabetes could benefit hugely from community engagement. Hybrid Closed Loop (not an artificial pancreas) looks likely to be a hot topic for the years ahead in the UK. Yet, most diabetics are not using that technology right now. That means a lot of learning and understanding is on the horizon for people who may want to try HCL (criteria dependant, naturally). The same was true of Libre, CGMs, Smart Pens and Insulin Pumps - less complex than HCL, perhaps, but the usage experiences of peers have proved invaluable to many.

So, you've got new friends and new tech. Now what? Maybe you struggle with the mental burden of having diabetes? Maybe you've heard of talking therapy? That's exactly what a community can offer. Put your grown up pants on and start talking, tweeting, posting, whatever! You'll be surprised at who understands your issues and reaches out to offer an ear. And it helps! To not feel alone in your struggles can ease your burden even if no immediate solution is found. What is the old saying about a problem shared is a problem halved?

Do you need more? Well, community doesn't always mean serious. I've had some hugely fun days out with my friends from GBDoc, we play quizzes, fantasy football and cruel but funny practical jokes on each other! Other skills are shared via a Stitch Club. Books are read at the same time, films and TV shows via watch-a-longs, hobbies and interests shared and enhanced because of new diabetic friends who just enjoy the same things. Maybe you enjoy gaming? gotcha! Art? gotcha! The list of interests is huge and you'll likely find someone who enjoys the things that you do with no relevance to diabetes apart from being in the wonky pancreas gang.

By the way, serious can also be lovely. Some friendships have developed into more and dating, even marriage, has happened. 

If life dealt you a bad hand with diabetes, you can still win the pot if you play your cards right. I'm turning into Bruce Forsyth. Good blog, good blog. 

If you enjoyed this blog and you'd like to support me over the time that I give to others then check out these links:

Sunday, November 13, 2022


The six characters from the TV show Friends are sitting and posing for the camera

I have many photos of my peers and those guys are a very photogenic bunch! and I consider them to be my friends, too. To use one of those photos might mean neglecting friends from other photos. Anyway! That's the long explanation of why I've chosen a photo from FRIENDS the TV show rather than one of my own. My diabetes friends are my peers, there is a very strong bond between many of us. I'll be there for yoooouuuu!

I took part in the Diabetes Chat 24hr chat bonanza! yesterday. I had an hour to talk to Jules from Enough Now DOC and GBDoc to talk about safety within the diabetes community, peer support and a little about mental health. I think the conversation flowed well, from hearing about unsavoury incidents and characters to how to stay safe online and in the general community, then how peer support has impacted and benefited many across the GBDoc community. Meeting and communicating with members of the community has certainly lifted my mental health when it comes to living with T1D and I think I'm right in saying that others have had a similar experience.

I have lost count of the number of people who I've met at the events & get togethers which I've attended. I mentioned in the Diabetes Chat; I've yet to have a poor experience from meeting my peers. Each time, there has been a new story, new information or a new face to meet. Sometimes, I've been able to directly help somebody. From the accessing of the tech that they need to some gentle words of encouragement and everything in between. I've been on the opposite side of that coin, too! Several diabetes tech gadgets have found their way into my lap, a direct result of meeting my peers. Those gadgets have undoubtedly helped me to maintain or improve aspects of my T1D management. 

Without peers, where would my T1D be? I suspect that I'd be using a Libre but, likely still injecting 8 to 10 times per day instead of using a pump (soon to be replaced with a brand new NHS funded one) and instead of using a CGM - a direct result of me tweeting about T1D and being recognised as somebody worthy of being gifted a device. Without peers, my burden would be much more than it is today. Diabetes aside, my private life would be far less rich as well. I have a WhatsApp which is heaving with messages and group messages from friends. No longer are they simply "peers" and no longer is the conversation driven by our lack of beta cells.

The Diabetes Chat event was littered with my friends and peers. After I'd had my hour with Jules, I just listened when time allowed. It was brilliant to see the names of online friends, joining in and telling their stories and offering their opinions. I was very pleased to see Alex take the hot seat to present the GBDoc Quiz and equally pleased that Mo agreed to lead the Tweetchat segment to assist Jules. Alex and Mo are frequent names in the Twitter GBDoc community but I don't remember hearing them speak very often, aside from the Zoom quizzes and when I interviewed Alex for a Dad Chats to... They're lovely people and, if they read this, I'd like to encourage both to push for more opportunities. The same goes for others within the diabetes community - You're just as important as the frequently heard voices, the voices with a social media presence and the voices who work within diabetes. Personally, I enjoy listening to the infrequently heard voice rather than a repeated narrative. 

Monday (tomorrow, after this blog is published) sees the publication of a new NHS document. "The Six Principles of Peer Support" appears to have been a long time in the 
coming. There is much chatter in my circles about what to expect. I'm certainly very interested in what the NHS will come up with following private discussions with a few who live with T1D. There is absolutely many positives to peer support and my hopes are high that the NHS will only enhance what is already there. 

Monday is also World Diabetes Day. Perhaps you'll mark the day, perhaps you won't. Your diabetes, your rules. Personally, I'm going to the pub for an afternoon with my friends. It just so happens they have diabetes, too!

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!


Thursday, April 29, 2021


If you're a frequent user of social media platforms, and your use of such platforms is based around Diabetes, then you're probably well versed in the terminology and acronyms which surround our condition.

It can be a confusing place for the newbie. There are docs everywhere but they're not medically qualified. T1D, T2D, LADA, MDI, BG, TBR, TIR, HbA1c... Diaversery, Diabuddy, Diabestie... My own accounts are littered with a bewildering array of references to Banting Juice and feeling Hypo Twatted and all under the influence of caffeine.

I love it all. If you can't work out these little sayings and acronyms then it's perfectly fine to ask. Put a hashtag at the front of those words and you might get a bigger audience. Twitter, my favourite platform, has a character limit so it makes sense to use such acronyms when tweeting. So far, I've resisted the urge to use BJ when discussing Banting Juice (insulin). There are puerile minds on the Internet. Not mine, obvs!

That brings me along to Diabetes+ It's not a term that I've used before but it's one that springs to my mind when I notice others discussing a positive (+) aspect of life in relation to their Diabetes. How can there be a positive to Diabetes!? You exclaim, finger hovering over the 'Unfollow Diabetic Dad' button. Positives aren't to be found within having the condition, at least not that I've found, but within the new experiences and relationships that the condition allows.

You don't need to look far for a new positive from Diabetes. It could be that your management of the condition is improved because of simply reading the social media messages of others, absorbing information and keeping up to date with the latest happenings on Planet D. That alone is a superb thing. If that's your Diabetes+ then I'm really pleased for you. My personal Diabetes+ goes much, much further.

Reading and engaging with peers has been a huge positive for me, too. Beyond that I've discovered, to my surprise, that I quite like people and meeting them, getting to know them and in some cases becoming good friends with them. It's always good to have something in common, right? misery loves company or something. I'm kidding! I've never had a miserable experience when meeting a fellow diabetic or a person who works within Diabetes, business or healthcare. I've never experienced this before. At various points in my life, I've met with many people on a social level; Work colleagues, friends dating back to school days, football friends, poker player friends, the list is long and within each "category" there were a good number of people who left me feeling negative about my encounters with them. Personalities and opinions do clash, of course but it appears to happen to a much lesser extent within the peer support and friendship circles of Diabetes. I wonder if that's because we have an understanding of the struggle which we might not with the organic insulin growers of the world?

Prior to fully engaging with my Diabetes, I was somewhat of a recluse. I certainly had and still have, to a lesser degree now, social anxiety. That lesser degree has reduced massively and continues to do so following each "meet up" or conference. It's like being fed a little more confidence each time.

I know, I talk about Diabetes a lot. I do that YouTube thing, I'm all up in your grill about Diabetes whenever you try to get a minutes peace on Twitter, I've written things (you're reading one now) I've been on the radio and I've many irons in many fires. That doesn't mean that social anxiety, in the flesh, isn't a very real thing. 

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, my confidence levels were very high when it came to meeting others. Now we've been locked away for more than a year, I would be a liar to suggest that I feel just as I did at the beginning of 2020. There has been a step back but I'm determined to rediscover that Diabetes+ again by meeting more people who have Diabetes, when it becomes safe to do so. And we're nearly there! I'm not far away from my second dose of the Covid vaccine and a few weeks after that? I'll be as protected as I can be from that bastard of a disease.

Baby steps, though. The plan is to meet a couple of other friends in a park, distance, drink coffee (tea if you prefer, Carolyn) and chat. As the UK opens up, I hope more occasions like that will happen and my Diabetes+ continues to grow for many years to come.

I hope this blog has been a tale of positivity. Do you have a Diabetes+ ? Go ahead and tell me about it in the comments box below or just send me a tweet.

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Diabetes Community Fragments


It hasn't been very long since my last blog and I'm glad about that. I seem to be slipping into the habit of writing one or two blogs per week. I write when something related to diabetes is on my mind. Often it's topical, such as the last blog about Diabetes Jokes, sometimes it's simply related to an experience that I'd like to get off my chest. I'm glad it hasn't been long since my last blog because that particular incident ended on a positive note and I feel like I can move away from that, at least for the time being! and talk about something else.

I intended to write about peer support in the Diabetes Community, over the Easter weekend. That was put on the back burner until today. Now, it's time to boil up that pot!

There has been a lot of chatter stemming from some of the larger Twitter accounts about peer support within DOC, GBDoc and many other area specific communities, of late. What usually happens when a few larger accounts "make some noise" is that many others suffer a severe case of FOMO. What on earth is FOMO? It's Fear Of Missing Out. From there, those accounts will usually jump aboard the bandwagon, whether it is positive or negative in nature. FOMO is a real thing for some diabetes related accounts, as is the need to stay relevant and have content. I'll get back to that on another occasion because I'm digressing and that is a subject for a blog all on its own.

Peer support! Yes. We love it, don't we? The drum that I've been banging around peer support is very much a beaten one. I've spoken about the positives and the huge impact it has had on my diabetes management, from overcoming social anxieties to accessing diabetes technology and everything in between, not least gaining lots of friends along the way. I am massively grateful for my peers, mostly within #GBDoc #IREDoc and #NIDoc and I will happily give those people my time and support whenever I am able.

It sounds fantastic. It mostly is. There are, however things I'd like to note and offer some caution over:

- Peer support isn't for everybody.
Just as tech isn't for everybody and we're all different in the way we manage our diabetes, it's important to realise that peer support won't be welcomed by everyone. To have it offered and easily accessible is wonderful but it should never be forced on a PWD. As peer support talk is appearing in healthcare circles, I am very interested to see how this is brought into conversation between HCP and patient.

- Fragmented communities.
It's a schoolyard out there. Ready for a few negatives? Envy, Bullying, Harassment, Stalkers, Drama, Sex, Lies and Videotape!  All of those things can happen in any splinter of society. The more people that are clustered together, the more chance of something nasty happening. From the nasty incidents, the communities become fragmented as individuals "take sides". The subtweets begin, the DMs are sent... sigh, it can get very teenagery even among mature adults. Eventually, people grow tired of the drama and aggression and they leave the community or lock their accounts or simply block those who are the sources of negativity. Personally, I'm a blocker. 

- Leader of the gang.
Does a community need a leader or leaders? I've debated the issue with friends many times. I'm swayed towards No. I've heard some people describe others as "Prominent members of GBDoc" in reference to holding their views in higher regard. That sits uncomfortably with me and has a strong odour of The Old Boy's Club about it. It hints at a pecking order which shouldn't exist on a free to use social media platform. Status and follower numbers do not influence me. I think it's important to hold each other in the same high regard unless words or actions indicate otherwise. So, should Peer Support "Leaders" become a thing then I think we could be in danger of following the path of Advocates and frequently heard public speakers. Which path? Read this blog: Hearing Voices I really hope we don't repeat the mistake of repeating the voices, should the NHS begin selecting peer support leaders.

I've expressed some caution there but please do not be put off diabetes communities. Where ever you find one, which might be helpful to you in managing your diabetes, join in and engage. For the most part, they are wonderful places with wonderful people.

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