Showing posts with label diabetes burden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diabetes burden. Show all posts

Sunday, November 13, 2022


The six characters from the TV show Friends are sitting and posing for the camera

I have many photos of my peers and those guys are a very photogenic bunch! and I consider them to be my friends, too. To use one of those photos might mean neglecting friends from other photos. Anyway! That's the long explanation of why I've chosen a photo from FRIENDS the TV show rather than one of my own. My diabetes friends are my peers, there is a very strong bond between many of us. I'll be there for yoooouuuu!

I took part in the Diabetes Chat 24hr chat bonanza! yesterday. I had an hour to talk to Jules from Enough Now DOC and GBDoc to talk about safety within the diabetes community, peer support and a little about mental health. I think the conversation flowed well, from hearing about unsavoury incidents and characters to how to stay safe online and in the general community, then how peer support has impacted and benefited many across the GBDoc community. Meeting and communicating with members of the community has certainly lifted my mental health when it comes to living with T1D and I think I'm right in saying that others have had a similar experience.

I have lost count of the number of people who I've met at the events & get togethers which I've attended. I mentioned in the Diabetes Chat; I've yet to have a poor experience from meeting my peers. Each time, there has been a new story, new information or a new face to meet. Sometimes, I've been able to directly help somebody. From the accessing of the tech that they need to some gentle words of encouragement and everything in between. I've been on the opposite side of that coin, too! Several diabetes tech gadgets have found their way into my lap, a direct result of meeting my peers. Those gadgets have undoubtedly helped me to maintain or improve aspects of my T1D management. 

Without peers, where would my T1D be? I suspect that I'd be using a Libre but, likely still injecting 8 to 10 times per day instead of using a pump (soon to be replaced with a brand new NHS funded one) and instead of using a CGM - a direct result of me tweeting about T1D and being recognised as somebody worthy of being gifted a device. Without peers, my burden would be much more than it is today. Diabetes aside, my private life would be far less rich as well. I have a WhatsApp which is heaving with messages and group messages from friends. No longer are they simply "peers" and no longer is the conversation driven by our lack of beta cells.

The Diabetes Chat event was littered with my friends and peers. After I'd had my hour with Jules, I just listened when time allowed. It was brilliant to see the names of online friends, joining in and telling their stories and offering their opinions. I was very pleased to see Alex take the hot seat to present the GBDoc Quiz and equally pleased that Mo agreed to lead the Tweetchat segment to assist Jules. Alex and Mo are frequent names in the Twitter GBDoc community but I don't remember hearing them speak very often, aside from the Zoom quizzes and when I interviewed Alex for a Dad Chats to... They're lovely people and, if they read this, I'd like to encourage both to push for more opportunities. The same goes for others within the diabetes community - You're just as important as the frequently heard voices, the voices with a social media presence and the voices who work within diabetes. Personally, I enjoy listening to the infrequently heard voice rather than a repeated narrative. 

Monday (tomorrow, after this blog is published) sees the publication of a new NHS document. "The Six Principles of Peer Support" appears to have been a long time in the 
coming. There is much chatter in my circles about what to expect. I'm certainly very interested in what the NHS will come up with following private discussions with a few who live with T1D. There is absolutely many positives to peer support and my hopes are high that the NHS will only enhance what is already there. 

Monday is also World Diabetes Day. Perhaps you'll mark the day, perhaps you won't. Your diabetes, your rules. Personally, I'm going to the pub for an afternoon with my friends. It just so happens they have diabetes, too!

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Puppy Low

Billy, the ginger and white cocker spaniel puppy is lying on a grey cushion and looking guiltily to the side

 ...oh, I guess they'll never know! Donny Osmond, I think. Apologies if you read the last blog or even heard about it on the grapevine. I decided it would be better to not publish that particular post in the interests of the personal safety and causing any distress to the victims of that particular group of people. Instead, a complete change of tone with a photo of Billy. Cute, hey?

True, he is cute and a burning ball of nuclear grade energy. As we know, using our own energy burns up that glucose pretty efficiently in most of us and so "Puppy Low" rather than "Puppy Love" seemed like a good title for this post. Sorry, Donny.

Billy arrived during the final week of my Steptember Challenge. I was already exercising a lot more than usual and chalking up a good number of hypos during the first few weeks of the month, at least. This new, very cute, energy sapper really threw a spanner into the works. Very short but high intensity bursts of exercise were sending my BG tumbling. Alongside a different waking and sleeping pattern, it's made for a difficult week with Type 1 Diabetes. I'm adjusting... kind of.

The experience made me wonder about how others cope with different variables thrown into the mix on a frequent basis. Shift workers certainly sprung to mind but I'm sure there are others with equally or more challenging lives. The solution to many of the challenges and life changes which we experience is, of course, technology. I know, a tweak of the Banting Juice might keep things in order, a couple more finger pricks per day might do the trick too. However, for those wild times, the big life changes, the why does my puppy keep on pooping moments, it seems like tech is the answer.

Some of you may have read about a lady who had waited a year for a pump clinic appointment, only to be refused funding at that appointment because of her sleeping issues. Yeah, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry either. Other stories were shared, including a particularly bizarre refusal tale which the lovely Lesley Jordan (from JDRF UK) shared. Take a look, you'll see that on my time line among all the puppy photos. Technology within diabetes should always be burden reducing for us alongside improving or maintaining our long term outlooks. My switch to a pump has vastly improved my T1D burden and, so far, the numbers all suggest that my long term outlook is in a good place. Where would I be without the pump? Struggling, for sure. I certainly wouldn't be trying to walk 250,000 steps while puppying. It could be easier, too! I could be looping and many more highs and lows would be reduced. I'll be a looper, soon enough, I'm in no real hurry.

So, while my hypos have been on the increase, I'm still in a very good place and a place which I can adjust to with the new arrival in the household. Others aren't so fortunate when it comes to accessing the technology which they need. Here is a link to a Twitter poll about hypos. The results are interesting! However, I know of at least two people who are in the replies with huge hypo numbers. Both are fighting for access to a pump and I have one question; Why?

Why are people with (sorry, my friends, no reflection on you) large numbers of hypos having to fight for access to a pump that will almost certainly reduce those dangerous and debilitating events? Are those numbers not raising large red flags and causing fast-tracks to Pumpville? I'm really at a loss. One hypo is a hypo too many and could lead to horrible things happening, including pre-mature death. To minimise those events should surely be a high priority and if many avenues have been explored without success then it's really time to sign off the pump paperwork.

We've seen these types of tech refusals before, of course, in the last 5 or 6 years since Libre hit the radar. It stinks of purse strings and worry about spending rather than offering the best possible care to diabetics - care which will ultimately reduce NHS spending on diabetes related complications. But what about NICE guidelines? What about them?! I don't know about you guys but, NICE don't live my life or manage my diabetes. I know what I need for my best care and to live my best life. Push for the technology which you KNOW will improve your life now and in the future. 

Billy agrees.

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!

Sunday, June 26, 2022


Have you ever entered your diabetes diagnosis date into that online form, which gives you your estimated number of finger pricks, injections, etc? You get a nice little info-graphic to share with your peers to highlight just how many times you've pierced your own skin in the name of staying healthy. I seem to remember there are hours of sleep lost and estimated hypos, too. It's interesting, I guess, to see how quickly big numbers can build up and when you've racked up a good number of years with diabetes, those numbers become enormous.

Perhaps those numbers will be less of an issue, as more and more people seem to be moving towards technology to manage their T1D (and T2D in some cases). Changing a pump set around 104 times a year seems less impactful, and a CGM 26 times? Definitely less of a smack in the chops compared to 3500 finger pricks. The burden of diabetes is spoken about a lot and I still think that showing your burden in a simple info-graphic can help others to understand you and your condition better.

The burden of diabetes is a multi-faceted affair for me but the weight which hangs heaviest on my shoulders is time. That hasn't always been the case, though. Diabetes played a very minimal part in my life during my teens and early 20s. That is until it didn't and I woke up in a hospital bed or the back of an ambulance - it played a pretty big part, then. I've told the stories from those days on many other occasions, I won't bore you with them in this blog. Time, though! It's a precious thing. We're all born with a finite amount of it after all. It makes sense to make the absolute most of our time while we're still stinking up the place but diabetes just loves to steal those hours, days, maybe years from us. How can we minimise that lost time and maximise our life enjoyment?

I had to pause after that last sentence. I fear becoming some kind of life coach w*nker.

Let's look at the easy option; Ignore it. I don't mean completely ignore everything in regards to your T1D because you'll be struggling and gravely ill within a few days. However, doing the minimum by taking your injections, treating the inevitable hypos and hoping the hypers will go away by themselves. A terrible idea, I know, and exactly how I lived with the condition for far too long. I got off lightly, I could've easily died, you don't want to try this option. You may get away with it for a while until you don't.

A harder option; Carry on with your current management but adjust other aspects of life. You MIGHT find that works for you if other areas of your life are burdensome. So, work? relationships? toxic friends? bad habits? Cleaning up your life might be a good idea in general but it doesn't address the time burden of your diabetes and, it might be argued, freeing up more time from other aspects of life could allow diabetes to take up even more of your precious life - it's very needy like that! Pursue happy living as much as possible of course but this option feels like you'll be ignoring the diabetes time burden and will it eventually bite you on the bum? With a heavy period of burnout to follow?

A sensible option; Address it and find solutions. Start at the top! What's taking up the absolute most time in your life in regards to diabetes? Waiting rooms, probably! I jest. For me it was the finger pricking. I could see the benefits of frequent checks and I still check, today but far less often. The solution was technology. At that stage it was Flash and because I spend a lot of my waking life with a phone in my hand it was never an issue to scan a sensor - it still isn't! compared to foil wrappers, strips, lancets, prickers, meters and losing each of them at various points. Next, injections - I was injecting up to 8 times per day, pre-pump. It's time consuming stuff and, if you know me and my various limitations, eventually very burdensome. The gift of Pumpy McPumpface arrived and that burden was lifted alongside a stack of other QoL improvements.  I'm sure you'll have your own diabetes time burdens - feel free to tell me about them in the comments below or on social media.

The change from finger pricking and MDI to CGM and pump has had a profound impact on my life for the better. It also highlighted two things to me:

- Technology is a force for good and for living a better life with diabetes.
- Having more time means less burden (of course) which means less stress, which leads to great improvements in mood, sleep and general health. 

Tech won't solve all our time burdens. Hypos and hypers will happen, complications might happen, life events will always happen and they're famous for impacting negatively on diabetes! Sometimes there is little or nothing we can do but our best to get by. Others, however, can help to reduce our time burdens.

HCPs, primarily the decision makers, As your Clinical Lead has said many times! Don't block access. In the UK every T1D has the right to Flash or a CGM under the NHS. I'm astounded at stories of people being refused access to that technology even today. If your patient wants it then provide it. And pumps? You may have read about my fight for NHS pump funding (seriously time consuming!) Step away from the criteria, talk to the patient and find out why they need a pump. I promise that they didn't decide on a whim and that it takes a lot of courage to start that conversation. Even if their A1c is great, don't dismiss the idea because that's not great care. Great care considers personal circumstances alongside health conditions and A1c & TIR. Are you going to improve their long term outcome in life and not just their A1c? 

We all know that Looping will be the main treatment for T1D in the coming years and delaying access to the tech which facilitates Looping helps nobody but might hurt the patient. 

Friends and Family, You'll never fully understand T1D because, unless you have it, that's impossible. So, a great way to reduce our time burden is to not question our decision making, don't ask why we're hypo, try to avoid making us feel guilty if we woke you or asked you to help us. Talk to us when you have questions, of course but avoid 20 quick-fire Qs when we're trying to stop a severe low. Try to understand that a treated hypo doesn't mean we'll be our usual selves straight away. Our mood might change with our blood glucose level, it's probably not about you. Our medical appointments, although frequent and tedious, can be very stressful for us, try to avoid highlighting them as an issue and an inconvenience to you. Doing those things can help us to feel supported and less likely to explain, or even apologise for, each diabetes related incident. 

Peers, This one is super easy - Don't judge. That includes diets, exercise, lifestyles... everything! Don't offer negative remarks to another because they do things in their own way. It's never helpful! At the very least you'll look like a judgemental, mean spirited, bully. Live your own life, share your experiences, if somebody asks for advice or opinions well then is your chance to vent your splaining spleen. Shooting down an innocent peer can result in them questioning their management, make unnecessary changes and hiding away when they have a question and need support - all adding to their time burden of living with diabetes. Be the voice of encouragement and empathy.

As you might have seen, a conflict has broken out in Ukraine as Russia has invaded that country. The scenes on TV and on social media are horrifying. What can we do? Well, I don't think there is a wrong way to help if you donate to charities who are active in helping the people of Ukraine. I support many charities but one which has always had my heart is MSF. Medecins Sans Frontieres translates as Doctors Without Borders. When it comes to the health of others in disaster areas, war zones and the like then I think we all have a duty to do what we can to help and help those who directly help! such as MSF. With that in mind, all donations to me via Buy Me a Coffee and all the pennies generated through the ads dotted around my pages will be donated to MSF. I will make up the difference for the fees taken by PayPal and Buy Me a Coffee. That will run until further notice, no time frames and possibly until Ukraine is a free country again. Thank you for reading my blog.