Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Combating Stigma in Diabetes Online Content

In today's digital world, the internet has become a significant source of information and support for individuals with chronic conditions such as diabetes. However, despite its many advantages, the online sphere is not immune to the perpetuation of stigma and misinformation surrounding the condition. You may have read a lot about stigma via your social media platforms of late. I apologise if my own content has been focused on that subject. However, I do believe it is a hugely important issue and one which can be addressed within the general population. I understand that to many of you stigma is not the most exciting subject to read about. Indeed, some of you may have never experienced stigmatising content. Stick with me, have a read, it will only take a few minutes.

So, we know that diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterised by the body's inability to properly regulate blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, diabetes is often associated with stereotypes, misconceptions, and blame. Stigma arises from these preconceived notions and societal attitudes, resulting in discrimination, shame, and psychological distress for those living with diabetes.

The internet has revolutionised the way we access and share information. It offers a wealth of resources and online communities, such as #GBDoc, that can be immensely beneficial for individuals with diabetes. However, the online sphere is also a breeding ground for stigma and misinformation. Many platforms lack proper oversight, allowing harmful content to spread unchecked. As a consequence, diabetics often face an uphill battle in navigating the online landscape, leading to increased anxiety, self-stigmatisation, and poor mental health.

Stigmatising content can have severe consequences for individuals with diabetes. It not only perpetuates harmful stereotypes but also hinders our ability to manage the condition effectively. Stigma may discourage individuals from seeking necessary medical care, adhering to treatment plans, or even disclosing their condition to others. Consequently, this can lead to poor glycemic control, increased complications, and a diminished quality of life.

To combat stigma effectively, it is crucial to empower individuals with diabetes through education and awareness. Creating and promoting online content that accurately represents the realities of living with diabetes can play a pivotal role in challenging misconceptions and dispelling stereotypes. At #GBDoc, we recently launched the #StopTheStigma campaign to do precisely that. By providing evidence-based information, sharing personal experiences, and embracing empathy towards others, we can reshape the narrative around diabetes and create a more inclusive online environment.

Online communities such as GBDoc can serve as a lifeline for individuals with diabetes, offering support, validation, and a sense of belonging. These communities should prioritise the creation of safe spaces that are free from stigma and judgement. As a volunteer, I work hard to ensure everybody feels safe to engage in and express themselves in the communities that I am a part of. If you notice or experience otherwise, just let me know.

Healthcare professionals CAN play a crucial role in combating stigma surrounding diabetes. By staying updated on the latest research, guidelines, and treatments, they can provide accurate information to their patients and the general public. Sadly, there are some HCPs with a different agenda. I strongly encourage diabetics of any type to avoid engaging with or acknowledging HCPs who are promoting diets or lifestyles via a subscription based service. There are a few of those guys kicking around, even in the UK!

Additionally, healthcare professionals can actively engage with online communities, offering expert advice, clarifying misconceptions, and addressing concerns. By bridging the gap between medical knowledge and the online sphere, healthcare professionals can become allies in the fight against diabetes stigma.

Despite it being 2023 and despite many words of advice and correction, stigma surrounding diabetes persists in online content today, creating barriers for individuals seeking support and information. However, by recognising the impact of stigma and actively working to combat it, we can create a more inclusive and supportive online environment for individuals with diabetes. Through education, empathy, and the promotion of accurate information, we can break down barriers, empower those affected by diabetes, and contribute to everyone's overall well-being.

I'd like to ask you all to share your experiences of stigma on your social media accounts. If you can, post that content where people could benefit from learning about stigma (where people without diabetes might read it) and use the hashtag #StopTheStigma. Raising awareness has the greatest impact among the unaware.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

From The Cradle To The Grave

Have you been reading the shared experiences, maybe offering your own, for Hypo Awareness Week? I have offered up a few things and joined in with a few discussions. It's been heart warming to find solidarity with my peers and learn of the experiences of others. Awareness days, weeks, months or whatever are good things, in my opinion. A little understanding can go a long way for better care in a clinical environment but also at home, work and in a social arena. Keep on sharing and raising awareness of what matters to you.

So, this blog post isn't really about Hypo Awareness Week. The title and photo might have given that away already. It was inspired by the hypo conversations, though. Hypos, a seemingly unavoidable complication of having T1D, rarely spoken of as a "complication", it's frequency - more so for some than others, and the knowledge that your last hypo probably won't be your last ever hypo unless it puts you in the ground. Hypos are probably for life, once you've been diagnosed with T1D, unless technology advances further or £50 million donations find us a cure.

Lots of things are for life, of course; Taxes, corrupt politicians and ITV reality shows to name a few. You'll have your own "for life" baggage, I expect. I certainly do and despite my positive stance over awareness campaigns, I have found this particular one has left me rather melancholy over my own "lifers". 'From the cradle to the grave' refers to my own long term conditions. I almost called this blog "Not a moment" because since my first breath, I have lived with a long term condition. 

Some conditions affect our lives more deeply than others, that could be because of the condition itself or the way we lead our lives or how we're managing the terrible hand that the universe dealt us. My LTCs vary from things that I have no need for support or care over to things such as T1D, where I benefit hugely from good support and care.

My melancholy, my self-pity if you will, will come and go for the rest of my days. It is an infrequent visitor and not something to be concerned about. I feel the storm clouds gathering when I've had a rough period of health or a difficult period in my personal life. In this case, I've had a troublesome couple of weeks with hypos and reduced rest and that's why I've been all very "woe is me" for a day or two. In this time I've been revisiting my "lifers", when they happened, are they related and even considering what might happen in the years to come. Following my last hypo, frustrated, I silently went through my LTC health history:

- Day 1, congenital birth condition
- Year 2, speech condition
- Year 8, diabetes

Then, some breathing space for 25 years. The universe must've been on holiday. Let's crack on...

- Year 33, eye conditions
- Year 37, new eye conditions
- Year 44, shoulder condition

A lot of conditions, hey? and far too much detail to offer in one blog post. Some are related to each other but, because I focus on T1D and anything related to it, I rarely bother to mention anything that's not in the diabetes camp. Oh, sure, they impact on me in many different ways but they don't require any intensive management like T1D does. Oddly, despite the hypos putting me under this dark cloud, T1D is something I feel more "ready for the fight" over. It might be because things could escalate and become very bad with diabetes and the complications that it could bring or it might be the prospect of one day having very little to manage (maybe nothing) in later life when it comes to diabetes. It would be sweet to still be around to experience that.

Reading back through this post, it looks pretty bleak. Sorry, I'm usually a very positive and glass half full person. Life can be incredibly good sometimes! I don't need to think for too long to remember and to count my many blessings. Life is also very short and I firmly believe in enjoying myself as much as I can until I head off into the sunset, leaving behind a trail of horrified nurses. I encourage you to do the same (maybe not the nurses) when you can because, diabetes or not, it turns out you only get to do it once.

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!