Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The Path To Pumping - Pt.9 Trials & Tribulations

Do you remember my last blog post on The Path To Pumping? I titled that one "Destination" as it appeared that we were coming in to land. We are! We still are! Please remain seated until we have reached the terminal, etc.

You may have already read on my tweets, I've had the call! The call to confirm my NHS pump funding. It was expected to go through without any problems but it was still nice to hear the words. I'm already pumping, as you probably know, since August of 2021 but my excitement was still very real. I can only imagine how MDI users must feel when they've been waiting for confirmation. My excitement stemmed from having one less thing to worry about. What if I was refused? My next avenue was to talk to my old friends in the media and that might've been a messy experience for so many - who are trying hard to open up access to technology for more people. I'm so glad that wasn't necessary but, a week after the call, I've had time to reflect on what has been necessary to get to this position. You might already know! I've documented each step on The Path To Pumping since day one. Shall we take a quick look back at the tribulations? 

Let's start with the positive refusals. Positive refusals?! Perhaps you've experienced the "You're doing great, you don't need a pump" line? You may have even responded with a counter-argument as to why you need a pump. Did the NICE criteria wall then appear? Yeah, same. And that happened on a couple of occasions. I have a lot of sympathy for HCPs who are under pressure from all angles. I'll even open my own blog to them to allow their voices to be heard by a greater audience. I want the bridge between them and patients to be a strong one. However, I'm rarely accepting of situations which I know are wrong, could be changed or improved. My use of MDI was a far inferior therapy compared to pumping, I had the hard data to prove it and a long, long list of QoL reasons to back that up further. Positive refusals were not going to wash.

The New Year was a busy period of pump "chasing". I spent countless hours writing emails to MPs, charity advocates, commissioners and even spent some time talking to a rather senior chap in Westminster. Following my emails, phone calls, meetings and letters the response from every avenue that I explored was sympathetic and understanding of my necessity to be NHS funded for a pump. It was encouraging and, looking back, I suspect a great number of influential people will now know a lot more about Type 1 Diabetes than they once did.

Finally, a new hospital, a new consultant, a new attitude and a new outcome. The best Diabetes appointment of my life because I was listened to. HCPs might be reading this and thinking "We all bloody listen". I wish that was true. Despite my visual impairment, I am very tuned-in to body language, responses, and general tells of disinterest which can come down to a simple change in voice tone. I played poker with some incredibly bright and successful people. In time, beyond the game, it teaches you things about human beings. Some of those things, when you learn what to look for, are obvious. Humans give away information all the time without needing to talk and the stressed and tired HCP isn't great at disguising their truths. So, the greatest appointment ever? I was listened to, asked questions which were relevant, noticed I was being observed carefully and understood when I offered my experiences and views. It must feel incredible to know that you've improved the life of your patient, that you're both on the same page, that you facilitated the progress in their care and use of technology. That is surely the job of an HCP; to improve or maintain the health of a patient? Are you really doing that if you block access to technology?

And here we are, some 9 months after putting a foot on The Path. Approved. The tribulations are seemingly over and the trials are starting. The photo at the top of the page is some Omnipod gear which my lovely DSN sent to me. She was kind enough to offer to squeeze me into a pump start-up appointment. I declined because I know how busy they are right now. I'll take my turn and that'll probably be later in summer. I'm already pumping, after all! I think it's fairer to give that space to somebody who needs to start on a pump more urgently than I do and fairer on the HCPs who are struggling to manage with the demands of patients. 

I'll try out the Omnipod stuff, probably breaking it along the way. I have also been approached by other pump companies to try out their stuff. That's likely because I have some social media presence - I get it. And I'll try it! I've already played around with a few new things. The future looks very bright. 

During The Path To Pumping, I have been approached by many Type 1 Diabetics who were in similar positions or simply interested in how to start the conversation in clinic. I can't count them all, I didn't keep a tally, nor am I interested in open praise, but I do know that several are now approved for pump funding or still pushing for it. That makes my heart happy because I know the huge improvements to my QoL that pumping has brought. I hope that you guys experience a similar improvement. Still being refused? Well, you know your own health better than anybody. If you're sure that a pump is the way to go then do not accept "No" or any other bullsh*t refusal. There are ways. It can be done.

To close this blog post; The battle for access should not have happened. The "cliff notes" above only touch the surface of the work I have put into obtaining pump funding. Pump funding which was right for me, a person living with T1D, a person who probably should've been listened to more carefully, situations and health considered better, evidence read and believed, and above all an acceptance of what the future holds. Diabetes care is evolving and technology is playing a bigger part than ever before. If you're pushing tech as the next step in Diabetes care then refusing it at any point cannot be without good reason. Patients are not guidelines or criteria.

As you might have seen, a conflict has broken out in Ukraine as Russia has invaded that country. The scenes on TV and on social media are horrifying. What can we do? Well, I don't think there is a wrong way to help if you donate to charities who are active in helping the people of Ukraine. I support many charities but one which has always had my heart is MSF. Medecins Sans Frontieres translates as Doctors Without Borders. When it comes to the health of others in disaster areas, war zones and the like then I think we all have a duty to do what we can to help and help those who directly help! such as MSF. With that in mind, all donations to me via Buy Me a Coffee and all the pennies generated through the ads dotted around my pages will be donated to MSF. I will make up the difference for the fees taken by PayPal and Buy Me a Coffee. That will run until further notice, no time frames and possibly until Ukraine is a free country again. Thank you for reading my blog. 


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