Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Diabetes HCP Anonymous 1 - DSN Guest Blog

Post-Covid, the demands on HCPs in the UK have grown to unprecedented levels and Diabetes care has not escaped the turmoil. As an active member of many Diabetes circles, I have been fortunate to learn about the current situation faced by many of our hardworking HCPs within the NHS. Some of their stories have horrified me and given me a new perspective on life "on the other side of the appointment". I have offered my blog space to my HCP friends as a safe space for them to air their views anonymously. 

Welcome to the first of these Guest Blogs, written by a Diabetes Specialist Nurse.


I love my job - I just need to get that out there before I open up to you about the current climate for people like me, working for the NHS. I work with some incredible people and the PwDs who I've met have been the most amazing, strong and stoic individuals. 

It's hard. Being a DSN right now is becoming really tough and some of us are at breaking point. The issues are complicated and come from many directions but the main one is Covid. You've probably felt the delays or a shift in your care due to the pandemic, as a patient. We understand your frustrations and we are trying our best to get through the backlogs. Many of us have been faced with very distressing issues, as really poorly people with Type 2 Diabetes are coming through to us following two years of seeing nobody. As you might imagine they need urgent care and referrals to other areas, all of which take up lots of time and resources. We're getting through things but it's going to take a while to until we see some sort of normality again.

I know that Paul has a large following of PwDs with Type 1 Diabetes and that you're all excited about the new availability of technology and the new NICE guidelines. I also know Paul to be a great champion of technology and an advocate for better access but I must offer some hard truths. Despite what you may have read, simply asking for a CGM will not result in you getting one immediately. 

Some of you are asking for Libre 3 which hasn't been released on to prescription yet, to transfer a patient to that requires the filling of a 10 page document - a very time consuming process when the demands come from hundreds of people. There is also no iPhone option for Libre 3 and no reader so it's only suitable for Android users. 

Elsewhere, I've seen requests for Dexcom 1 which has no sharing function, no predictive alerts and isn't yet available to prescribe. The Dexcom G6? That's still not happening unless the patient is hypo unaware. If you want a Dexcom and you have hypo awareness then you'll be directed to Dex 1 which is much inferior to a G6. Other options have been brought forward but there are huge question marks over quality and a lack of sharing with HCP options means the patient is left to manage their own data without our support.

Despite what you may have read on Twitter, the new guidance is a mess for us. It would've been helpful if these stumbling blocks were addressed and fixed long before the changes were announced to allow us to make changes easier. There is a push to bring these changes forward quickly, an undertone of "it's easy, NICE guidance, etc" but each device which isn't on prescription requires us to fill out 10 pages of information in a form called an IFR. There simply isn't the staff to cope with the current levels of demand much as we want to help everybody right away.

 Some of you, like Paul, have been fighting for access to pumps. The same issues are true in that area. Demand has increased because of the Looping trials and increased positive exposure through social media. Of course, to Loop you'll need a CGM and a Pump and the training. That's a lot of time and staff resources for us when we're already at breaking point. It feels like we're moved too quickly, tried to run before we can walk, and the result is going to be huge delays for patients. I'm working my socks off, I promise, because almost without exception I believe you guys deserve the very best care and technology that we can offer.

I'm sorry to have disappointed any of Paul's readers. What you read on social media, highly praised "Gods of technology" don't live up to the hype very often despite the roles they hold in regards to tech access at various orgs. If the senior HCPs won't or can't bend the rules to allow easy access then how are we mere mortals supposed to?

Thank you for reading my Guest Blog. Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.


As you might have seen, a conflict has broken out in Ukraine as Russia has invaded that country. The scenes on TV and on social media are horrifying. What can we do? Well, I don't think there is a wrong way to help if you donate to charities who are active in helping the people of Ukraine. I support many charities but one which has always had my heart is MSF. Medecins Sans Frontieres translates as Doctors Without Borders. When it comes to the health of others in disaster areas, war zones and the like then I think we all have a duty to do what we can to help and help those who directly help! such as MSF. With that in mind, all donations to me via Buy Me a Coffee and all the pennies generated through the ads dotted around my pages will be donated to MSF. I will make up the difference for the fees taken by PayPal and Buy Me a Coffee. That will run until further notice, no time frames and possibly until Ukraine is a free country again. Thank you for reading my blog. 


Prefer PayPal?


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