Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Friday, March 19, 2021

Use The Force


Do you ever look at a meal, a plate of food, a snack and just know what the carb count is? Maybe you've gone a step further? Not only do you know the carb count but you know exactly what to bolus and when to bolus to get your blood glucose back into range, soon after you've eaten.

Do you sit there, feeling all smug like some kind of diabetic Yoda? Good! You probably should. Diabetes is work and getting things right is something to celebrate.

I think we "use the force" in many aspects of life, particularly health. I'm willing to bet that some of you have guessed what dose of pain relief you needed for a headache. One paracetamol... two... maybe two with a couple of Ibuprofen, a few hours later. Wow! it worked. The headache is gone. Headache Jedi, we are. (sorry)

I'm not sure Obi Wan & co. can take the credit for our health treatment successes. I think this is because we know our bodies and how they react. Sometimes we make conscious decisions about our health and sometimes things just seem to go into autopilot. Sadly, as we age and get more experience of ill health I think we retain a subconscious knowledge which we call upon when treating common ailments or, indeed a chronic condition such as diabetes which we've become conditioned to living with.

You might refer to the bolus doses and carb counts as guesses but, after a while with diabetes, I'm not sure that's entirely true. All those meals and injections (or pumps), the maths, getting it right or wrong and the information presented to us or felt by us physically - does it just vanish or is some of it stored inside our heads beyond memories of the events? Easy, Diabetic Dad, this is getting deep.

Take hypos. (Please take them!?). We're told what to consume when we're below a certain level of blood glucose. If you're dropping 0.1mmol every 5 minutes and you've just crept into the red zone then sure, you might stick to the rules and eat the recommended amount of carbs because you know you're not in any real danger. If you're dropping 0.5mmol every 1 minute, you're shaking, rapidly heading south and your back looks like a waterfall then you're unlikely to be sticking to the rules because you're not thinking clearly, you might be panicking and hypo hunger is a real thing sometimes! Yet, you probably realise that you're in greater danger at that stage. You probably realise that counting out 6 Jelly Babies isn't very important. You probably realise the only number that needs to be given any attention is the one on your BG meter or CGM. Let the feasting commence! That may have happened to you previously. It's certainly happened to me; a time where little thought or brain power is used, it's all action and a carb frenzy. Then you feel better. Later you're a little high but you're not in danger so your brain drops out of survival mode and you calculate your insulin correction dose. Of course, some of you might be lucky enough to have the technology which informs you of you insulin on board, the speed of the decline of your blood glucose and how many fast acting carbs you'll need to consume. But... perhaps you have that tech and you still go overboard because of survival autopilot.

I know I've used the words "You" and "Your" and "You're" several times, there. That is just a generalisation of what some people living with diabetes might have done, including me. I do dislike talking about the diabetes of others in a way which must reflect my lived experience. That would just be terribly wrong of me.

Moving on! and to conclude, I think we as people with diabetes, regardless of type, are under tremendous stress and we carry a huge burden by simply living with our condition. The number of additional decisions made per day, compared to a person without diabetes, is huge. Those decisions require brain power which can sometimes be utterly exhausting. I think it's entirely normal to sometimes trust in your instincts, subconsciously act and "use the force" to act or react in regards to your diabetes management.

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!


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