Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Freak Like Me


I'm sorry about the photo. I know scary clowns are a little too scary for some! Ignore him and look at these words instead:

Disability discrimination

It's at this moment that I expect the vast majority of you to leave. That doesn't surprise me. The subject of ableism appears to turn off a good number of people. It's uncomfortable for many, as seeing disability is, as my own disabilities are.

In an earlier blog, I mentioned a time in my childhood when I first encountered hate towards disability. It was 40 years ago and I suspect if it happened today, in this country, there would have been far more serious repercussions for the perpetrator. Thankfully, things have improved for people living with a disability. I haven't experienced anything beyond schoolyard jokes (apart from one incident in a pub) and comments since... well, school. One of the latter experiences of school ableism was a time when I was referred to as a "freak". I'm pretty laid back and can sometimes turn hatred into a joke. That ability saved me from bullies on several occasions, that and having a few very tough friends. Obviously (watch it!) that was quite a while ago but that doesn't mean it has gone away.

My experiences of ableism revolve around Internet communities. I suspect that to be the case for other forms of discrimination. We hear a lot about racism directed towards sportspeople via social media. It's a massive problem, along with other forms of discrimination and hate, but I'm aware that it isn't only dished out by bigots with keyboards. The same applies for ableism. Just because I haven't experienced it in real life recently doesn't mean it isn't there and isn't happening to others frequently.

This is a tweet from my friend, Meg

Pretty nasty, huh? I don't get it. Is it funny to shout out remarks and mock strangers in the street? I know the answer, of course but what is going though the minds of people who do this? Are they living a troubled life and openly mocking a woman with a disability makes things better for them? I have so many questions. Perhaps it IS funny to them and can be spun as "banter" as many incidents of hate are. 

"I was only joking, mate!"

Oh, right. My bad. I thought I was the circus freak, doing the funnies, not you. 

It's very easy to search social media and find other instances of a similar nature. Sometimes, you don't need to search. It might just appear on your timeline because it's one of your friends who has experienced it. Support your friends/followers, please. If they are brave enough to mention their disabilities and why something is hurtful then the first thing you do is believe them. Don't tell them they're being sensitive or reply with various hashtags, sarcastically referring to "Thought policing". Don't suggest they report the tweet if they find it offensive, either. We all know Twitter aren't acting on any ableism because we, the disabled, cannot possibly be offended or stigmatised!

This has become a slightly ranty little blog and for that I make no apologies. Please:

- Do not mock or shout hurtful comments towards disabled people. This may be considered a hate crime in the UK.

- Do not joke about disability in any form unless it's YOUR OWN disability.

- Do not suggest things to "improve" a service which completely alienates people with a disability. That sort of ableist trash is all over social media. If you have an idea then consider accessibility before anything else. If somebody calls you out on it then adjust your idea or remove it. 

Why wouldn't a person do those things as a basic starting point? Perhaps they don't like a disabled person, being superior to them by noting their discriminatory nature.

I'll put my soapbox away, until next time.

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!


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