Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Friday, May 1, 2020

Diabetes in Lockdown

There has been more talk of lockdown easing, recently. Reporters, struggling for questions, have been asking the government about lockdown easing for weeks. Perhaps they're just desperate for a haircut? I don't empathise. So, it might seem strange to write a blog about diabetes in lockdown when the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be getting larger. Keep reading!

I try to be a glass half full sort of chap. You may have gathered that much from my last blog post "Perspective". So while we've all struggled through since mid-March with various complaints and even contracting Covid-19 in some cases there are, I believe, many positives to take from lockdown.

How many of you are rolling your eyes and questioning my sanity?

"Positives from lockdown!? We're going crazy and everything is veiled thanks to my fringe!"

One big positive (debatable) is that you're reading this. So, you're alive! (not debatable) but there are others.

How many of you have started something new? or rediscovered an old love. I've started to play some online poker again. I haven't done so for over 2 years. I've even started to teach a few of you the basics in the hope you'll join in. Check out #GBDocPokerClub on Twitter if you're interested in taking part (it's not for real money) set up by Matt.

Take a look at ART1ST on Twitter too. I had no idea that so many people living with T1D had this much talent, beyond accurate carb counting.

Perhaps you played in the very first #GBDocQuiz last night? 20 people did and it was huge fun despite my shoddy efforts at being the Quizmaster. Serena will be hosting the quiz next time around. Install Zoom and join in. It's a totally inclusive thing. You're all welcome, 8.15pm on Thursdays.

There is a theme developing, as I write this blog; Twitter. The few things above are all babies of those who tweet. There are more:

Diabetes 101 - Incredible info and fun from HCPs, giving up their time for our community.
GBDoc Tweetchats - I'm one of the helpers here alongside Jules, Harvey, David and Gwynnie. Join in to talk about diabetes related subjects every Weds at 9pm.
Pricks Official - Jade has a YouTube guest every Weds at 8pm. Lots of fun and interesting chat.

Some of those things would likely not be happening unless we were in lockdown. As the light at the end of the tunnel nears, I truly hope such things will continue. Despite the worries, illness and increasingly long hair I believe the Diabetes Twitter community is as strong as ever, perhaps stronger than ever. There doesn't appear to be much in the way of bickering, subtweets are few and far between and I haven't noticed any full-blown meltdowns. Still time, I guess.

Your blood glucose may beg to differ (mine too!) but I think lockdown has proved beneficial for PWD, beyond minimising our chances of contracting Covid-19, by encouraging engagements with our peers. How the current situation has affected our mental health may yet to be seen, of course.

Tell me some of your positives from lockdown. Reply below or tweet me and let's keep those positives going when "normal" is back.

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