Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Friday, June 23, 2023

Dexcom One CGM - In Review

It's been a number of years since I last used a Dexcom CGM. In 2018 and 2019, I used the Dexcom G5 followed by the G6 and my experience was "patchy" for various reasons. So, it was with hesitancy that I accepted the Dexcom One "Starter Pack" during my latest diabetes review appointment. It was offered to me following the sharing of my experiences of Freestyle Libre 2.

Firstly, how wonderful to have a choice of blood glucose tech. I know most areas in England and Wales are offering a choice of Libre 2 or Dex One yet many are still finding it difficult to access one or the other - mostly Dex One - at the time of writing this blog post.

The Starter Pack contains everything you need for 10 days CGM use - 1 transmitter and 1 sensor. You'll need to install the Dexcom app on your phone and create an account if you don't have one already. Then, you're ready to go!

You'll need to "pair" your phone with your Dexcom One transmitter. Pairing is a simple process, just follow the steps on your phone screen. Once you are paired up, you can insert the sensor using the single use applicator. By the way, be sure your phone is compatible with the CGM. Dexcom will have a list of compatible handsets on their website. 

The sensor applicator looks and feels a little like a computer mouse. There is one orange button to insert the sensor under your skin and a small protective orange strip to cover it. You'll need to snap that off before you press the orange button. You'll also need to remove the two slips of paper that cover the sensor adhesive area. Once the paper is removed, hold the applicator against your skin and press the button. Sensor inserted! Just ease away the applicator and dispose of it as best as you can. It's a pretty chunky lump, making recycling difficult. Some have suggested breaking it up with a hammer to make recycling easier. I think Dexcom could do a lot more to be planet friendly, here.

Before you go waving a hammer around, pop the transmitter into your sensor. Next, follow the app instructions to begin the warm up process. If you've never used a Dexcom CGM before, then get ready for a wait. The Dexcom One takes 2 hours to warm up so, maybe don't do this right before bed.

The warm up process was problem-free and BG values began to appear. The first few readings were pretty close to my actual blood glucose. "Great!" I thought, until my BG dropped so low that numbers became letters on the Dexcom app. However, I wasn't hypo. Things didn't get any better for a good 6 hours, throughout that time I remained outside of the hypo zone. I decided to let the CGM "bed in" and, erm, go to bed.

I don't know if it was just really tired from sitting in a box on my living room floor for a few days, but the rest seemed to do the CGM good! Fasting BG in the morning was very close to the Dex One number, which was also very close to the Libre 2 number (I'm wearing both devices at the same time). 

Heading towards 7 days with Dex One, I've become comfortable with it and I have begun to trust it. Compared to Libre 2, it has been closer to my actual BG for more of the time.... just! The difference between the two is very minimal for me. L2 is reading a little lower (it usually does) than Dex One, but not by worrying amounts. 0.5 mmol perhaps as an average.

Accuracy aside, the Dexcom One app is a very stripped out affair compared to LibreLink. It will offer some eA1c info via Clarity and some Time In Range data, but there is no place to leave notes and no way to screenshot the app. Read this in your best Nick Jonas voice - No screenshots? Really?! Some of you are going to suggest using third party apps and you're right. You can screenshot and note leave using different apps. However, I'm not a fan of unofficial apps when it comes to my data, support, security, yada yada. Also, the tech newbies don't want to be overwhelmed by having to install multiple apps to do things they could do with one app on LibreLink. I'm not a newbie, I'm just big hearted and I care about the people who are.

The app is my only gripe, really. Yet, it works and how often am I going to leave passive-aggressive notes about the sensor accuracy? Do I really need to screenshot my BG to encourage keto diet zealots to question how long I'll be keeping my toes with those numbers? Maybe not. I've drifted off track. My gripes aren't a big deal. They're little annoyances. The important thing is the CGM works well. At least, after the first 6 hours.... 8 hours if you include the warm up. Yeah, that first day is pretty annoying. I can accommodate that, though.

What else? 

- It's ergonomic. No sharp edges to catch on clothes, bed sheets, other humans, etc.
- It's simple to set up. Minimal steps and great on-screen instructions.
- Satisfactory accuracy vs Libre 2.
- 10 day wear isn't wonderful. That's 3 sensors per month vs the near 2 for Libre.
- 90 day transmitter usage is... okay... remember GlucoMen Day have rechargeable transmitters that last for 5 years.
- Waste could be better. That big lump of applicator, 3 times per month. Eeek.

That's about it. Soon, I'll need to make a choice for NHS purposes. Dexcom One or Libre 2. Which one do you use? Have you been given a choice?  

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