Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Friday, December 17, 2021

Thirty Seven

Is it the answer to life, the universe and everything? 37? probably not. I think that's a different number but 37 is a significant number for me, this weekend.

Saturday December 18th will mark my 37th anniversary of my Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis. A Diaversary, if you like. I realise that my Diabetes is older than the actual age of many of you, reading this. The date also marks my birthday. I'll be 45. I choose to celebrate the birthday rather than the anniversary. However, in this blog, I am here to offer you words of encouragement in regards to longevity and Diabetes.

When I were a lad it were nothing but fields as far as the eye could see! Also, T1D was not the greatest news. Long term outcomes were not wonderful and serious complications were almost a guarantee. Yet, I'm still here and do you know what? I've had an amazing time and I'm going to continue having an amazing time. Life is finite, one day it'll be my last and I'm fine with that but I'll be damned if Diabetes takes me out when we're not even at half time.

I take great joy in proving people wrong, you may have noticed. That, of course will upset some who are firm of mind and narrative. The things they suggested I couldn't do? wouldn't do?

- Drive
- Have romantic relationships
- Start a family
- Have a worthwhile career
- Be a functioning adult beyond my 30s

Those are some of the main ones and there are probably dozens if not hundreds more... including eating sweet things!

Half way to 90, I'm not going to stop doing things which make me happy and perhaps even a bit proud and why not? 

T1D is not the end of your life and ambitions. It may feel like that for a while and others may even suggest the same to you. They're wrong and your feelings are lying to you. This condition can and should be dragged through life with you as you choose to live it, hypoing, hypering, CGMs screaming, pumps vibrating, your favourite foods, your favourite past times, your friends, loves, jobs, everything! it belongs to you and not the other way around.

I'n sorry, I slipped into cheesy influencer mode for a moment. Now we're nudging into 2022 and the care and information available means that life with T1D has never been easier. That's easier and not easy. Our future, fellow Diabetics (at least in the United Kingdom) looks bright and less burdensome than in the years gone by. I'm looking forward to the next 45 years and beyond, greatly! 

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! AND until Jan 1st 2022 I'll be donating all your kind coffees to various Diabetes charities.