Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Diabetes Technology Revolution

Welcome, Comrades. It's another blog about Diabetes tech because you haven't been inundated with news of it through your socials. Of course you have and it's been fantastic news! If you've missed it, in short, T1Ds in England and Wales are set to be given NHS funding for CGMs and some T2Ds (on insulin) are set to be offered NHS funding for a Flash Glucose Monitor.

The gates aren't being kicked down just yet. The above seems likely to go through in the March of 2022 because the behemoth that is the NHS and NICE aren't exactly agile in directional changes. Cool, fine, okay. 

The news doesn't really impact upon me. I'm one of those lucky social media types who are offered CGMs in return for reviewing and talking about functionality. I'm delighted for my peers, especially those who don't get along with Libre because of accuracy issues, adhesives, etc. I do hope that the CGMs on offer are varied, however. Having used several in the last 4 - 5 years and having spoken to probably thousands of other users, it seems apparent that different systems work better for some than others. I don't know why that might be but I've certainly noticed some monitors aren't within my personal parameters of acceptable accuracy and comfort. Recently, how environmentally friendly these devices are have become more of an issue - I've been talking about that since the summer of 2020 so, that's nice to see and it will be fascinating to watch how the different companies react.

Type 2 Comrades on insulin, how happy are you? I really hope that this news is the start of a more level playing field for you guys and you're offered equal respect and reduced stigma because of this and future developments. 

Are we really now heading into a full on Diabetes tech revolution? I saw Libre as the first step on that ladder when I first began using it, despite it's questionable accuracy, a few years ago. And now we're here - on the verge of total CGM access, no need to be under 18 or pregnant or both. Looping trials are seemingly progressing well. Type 2s are now at the party. Perhaps there'll be a cure in 5 years!? Hahaha. Sorry.  I think we are and we're right in the middle of it. The drivers of change must be thanked for that because even if this is as far as it goes for the next 10 years it will be a huge advancement in care and undoubtedly improvement in the long term outcomes for Diabetics.

Vive la révolution!

Where next? You've read this far without me mentioning NICE pump therapy criteria. But! budgets, tax payers! but there are people who need it more than others! but this, that and the other. I'm done with buts. If I wanted buts I'd be a colorectal doctor. Where there is a problem, there is a solution. If the problem is money then the solution is to obtain more or reduce spending to balance the books. But where from!? - Read the above about "buts". I'm happy to work on that solution for a very reasonable salary. If the problem is the current NICE criteria, and it REALLY is, then revise it. Just today, I've been told of others who have purposefully let their blood glucose run high to obtain pump funding because of the NICE criteria. Let that sink in. I know that I've briefly spoken about this before but now others are openly approaching me to tell me of such occurrences. That's self harm. In the short term, you risk DKA and possibly death. In the long term, you increase your risk of Diabetes related complications. Self harm and risking awful health problems to obtain something which should reduce those horrible things happening in the first place. 

So, today I'm calling for the scrapping and revision of the NICE criteria for NHS pump funding. It is not fit for purpose. Not only is it unfair and far too stringent, it is resulting in real harm in the real world and that is shameful.

 Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!

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