Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Path To Pumping - Pt.2 The Gift

'Are you pumping already? That was fast!' Well, yes and no. No, as I write this but hopefully Yes within 24 hours of publishing and once this blog goes viral. What? I go viral! Some of my tweets get like... 8 Likes!

Welcome to Part 2 of The Path To Pumping. I've titled this one "The Gift" because that's exactly what you see in the photo above. I'm a firm believer in "Pay it forward", especially in relation to Diabetes. That's not because I'm trying to buy my way into the good books or affections of others. It just feels good to help others who need it. It's a great form of peer support and paying it forward can come from gifting or loaning equipment, such as a pump or just sharing your knowledge and experiences. This blog is also dedicated to my friend for making a monumental effort in gifting me this pump, one of the kindest and hardest working people you could ever meet. I am truly blessed.

So, how does this impact upon me getting a pump through the official NHS channels? I'm still following that route and the ball is firmly in the court of DAFNE. If you've followed some of my tweets then you might know that getting an appointment there hasn't been a smooth process. Following my Diabetes review and agreement to attend DAFNE as a gateway to pumping, a letter arrived in the post which invited me to make a registration appointment to find out about the course. K, can do. I sent an email to no response. After 2 days, I sent a follow up email, stressing that the clock was ticking on arranging this appointment and being appreciative of a soonest reply. The NHS letter stressed that I must arrange an appointment within 2 weeks. Sadly, no response. Perhaps emails aren't routinely checked. I still have a week until my deadline at this stage. I let the weekend pass and then I tried a phone call on the Monday morning and voicemail picked it up. I left my details and politely asked for a call back, again expressing concern that this is a time sensitive appointment as noted in the letter. No return call happened and I tried again at 4.30pm, around 7 hours later. No ringing tone, this time just straight to voicemail. I hung up, not wanting to leave multiple voicemails about the same issue. Tuesday arrived. Tick-tock. Just before midday, I called again and finally spoke to a real person! Apparently, she was going to call me back. We arranged the registration appointment (telephone) for late September. 

So, that's that. But, not really. After making noises on Twitter, it became apparent that education/training isn't necessary for access to technology. I shouldn't need my GCSE in DAFNE to be offered pump funding. The temptation now is to refuse the course, dig my heels in and start quoting NICE guidelines. But! I'm a Joe Bloggs Diabetic, the everyday chap with T1D who has walked in, off the street because he's heard that pump therapy might make his Diabetes management better, provide a better long term outcome and reduce his day to day burden. I'll take the course because that's what the Joe Bloggs Diabetic would've been advised to do, what I've been advised to do. What you may be asked to do. Not everybody knows about guidelines or the right people to follow on Twitter.

Enough DAFNE, for now. 

The pump!

Right, I've loaded my small and over-worked brain with information, I have support from friends and anonymous HCPs. I'm ready to go! When my Lantus isn't on board., which'll be tomorrow morning. Today, I'll be checking and double checking and probably Zooming with pumping friends to be sure that I'm not going to make an enormous balls up. Assuming all goes well and things are settled, in a few weeks or maybe months I will investigate Looping through this pump but that's something for the future. The now is for getting used to pumping and not injecting anything. The very thought of not injecting insulin is completely alien to me. I do that approximately 60 times a week. I've never smoked but I wonder if this going "cold turkey" from injections might be similar. Old habits die hard and all that.

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!

1 comment:

  1. Another fantastic blog, I saw your tweet about starting the pump running.
    You are using a top peice of hardware, it gets even better later when you swap out the connected handset.
    Are you OK for consumables? I can let you have any left overs when I exchange.
    It's a mind blowing event as I'm sure you can appreciate, you can't bed in slowly, though you do when you start looping.

    As you are already well connected with HCP's my advice is very simple: stay clear of kitchen cupboards, and you will one day learn to sleep better with it but only after you throw it in the bed and and let it find it's own place

    Look forward to hearing your updates

