Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Death & Taxes

The two unavoidables, apparently. So, there's a cheerful start to this blog! June was a strange month for me. New things happened and not all of them were fun. 

Let's get straight to it and given that the header image is of a shoulder X-ray I'll focus on that. You might have read my brief tweets in regards to my shoulder X-ray results. You might have even heard me suggest that I have the dreaded Frozen Shoulder, which visits many people living with T1D. That became in doubt after a few months and eventually I was sent for a low dose of radiation.

After removing my top because "You're not allowed buttons on an X-ray" the enthusiastic HCP zapped me a few times in various positions and told me to check back with my GP in about a week. Can do! Did do! Yesterday, in fact. 

After some note checking, Dr MyMumHasType2 declared that I have some mild degenerative changes which translates to Osteoarthritis. A diagnosis is a strange moment. You probably remember that moment because you have Diabetes or you know somebody who does (or you're just here because you're attracted to middle-aged men with body parts which are increasingly breaking down, Hi! How you doin'?). Whatever. That moment might result in that little voice in your head exclaiming something which rhymes with Clucking Bell. If you verbalised your Clucking Bell then you have my huge respect, well done. I did not. I left and did some online searching. Of course I did! Isn't that our default route when delivered new health-related news?

I've digested, I've tweeted, some of you have the same condition for which I offer my fullest feeling of your pains, brothers and sisters. And today? I'm alright with it. My shoulder is in relatively good condition and that gives me hope for some physio and maybe some tremendous pain relief to keep the screams of agony away for a while. At least until I need to remove another Libre.

The unavoidable? 

As my friend told me, soon after the news, coating their thoughts in razor blades rather than sugar: "You're getting older" which was almost as sympathetic as friend no.2, of a similar age, who declared: "Yeah, we're both f***ed".

I have the best friends.

However, aging is unavoidable. You can't escape the passing of time as I've learned from watching Prof. Brian Cox, of a Sunday evening. And you can't avoid the ultimate health complaint. Sorry, not very cheerful again. I also think it's the fortunate minority who go from cradle to the grave without a single health problem. Some problems are clearly more serious than others and I think a little crumbly shoulder isn't high on the list of the possible problems which I could face. So! As always, I'm grateful for the amazing NHS, who have tried various things and treatments and will continue to support me and make that particular complaint as small of an issue for me as they can.


That's enough doom and gloom for one blog! 

 Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!

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