Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Friday, May 21, 2021

What a Site! - Diabetes Tech Worn by Everyday Diabetics

Have you noticed the Diabetes Tech ads on your TV, lately? It seems to be a marketing avenue that a few companies are exploring. I'm happy about that. It normalises the use of the technology in day to day life and reduces stigma around Diabetes. One particular ad' caught the eye of my mother, who asked "Don't you use one of those disc things for your blood sugar?" She'd seen a Libre ad' featuring a woman, swimming. The conversation led to my explanation of how the tech works and how we both wished it was available in the 1980s when I was diagnosed. 

It also led me to think about the marketing around Diabetes technology. The images, videos and individuals used. Nick Jonas might spring to mind? Perhaps a few other names, too. Of course, the famous and the achievers deserve access to Diabetes tech as much as the rest of us but perhaps it's time to celebrate the "Everyday Diabetic" a little more in such marketing. I consider myself be a Everyday Diabetic - Just a man who talks about his condition, warts and all, on various platforms. I'm lucky to have an agreement with GlucoMen, who appreciate my content and supply me with their Day CGM. I'd love to see more individuals given similar opportunities.

So, reader! Allow me to present to you some of my tech wearing friends from around the world. Beautiful souls, kind hearts and living their best lives while wearing Diabetes technology to help them manage their condition.

It seems that we're a diverse lot. Not just in the management of our condition but where we put our technology. Arms are popular! The Libre wearer in the photo at the top of this blog moves hers around:

"I was in need of a new spot, as the back of my arm needed a bit of rest (the sensors aren't too kind to my skin, especially then - I expect they have changed something with the adhesive). Besides this it tends to come loose quite easily, so it's a lot less of a hassle on the front."

That's Julie, she says "I wear my sensor on the side or to the front of my arm, because I can see it I’m more conscious of it so I don’t knock it off, when I wore it on the back of my arm I was always knocking it off especially at work and when strength training."

Jimmy likes to keep his sensor warm, "I wear my taped up sensor on the inside of my arm (it doesn't like the cold)"

Some sensors have a habit of coming loose and falling off! So putting a strap on could be a great idea, especially if you have a 3rd party add-on such as Bubble.

Hot weather (even in the UK) causes issues, too. That's why Richard tapes his in place.

The 3rd party add-ons are still a popular thing when it comes to turning Libre 1 into a CGM.

While arms are still popular this pump user prefers core sites too, noting "Here’s where my pump is currently sited. I also use my arms, back and backside."

And if you have two pieces of tech for your blood glucose? "My trial of Dexcom is about to expire so here’s one of the Dexcom and a new Libre soaking in before I activate it in 24 hours time. Both on my stomach."

How about a pump on one side and a CGM on the other? Tummy button piercing is an optional extra which might not be NHS funded. This tummy belongs to a Diabetes tech user who is proud to show off her gadgets, "If it helps others, I'll be happy. I'm not shy in showing it either, bring on the summer bikini shots"

How about a close up on a pump cannula in action? Textbook stuff!

That one probably isn't in many textbooks! But, do you know what? Sometimes rules are made to be broken and if it works for you?... "The readings were less than 0.5mmols different and frequently equal to blood glucose"

Chest is best?

Robert might agree, with this upper-chest Libre. "Pump on my arm, libre on my chest, I'm usually the other way around. I try to avoid my waist for pump as I over did it a bit!"

Anybody for legs?

"I started using my upper legs for my pump sites about two years ago! Mostly because my CGM had to be on my stomach (it is now also been approved for your arms so that's where mine is now)! I have a lot of stretch marks, so a bit part of my stomach is unusable. I have also noticed that since switching to my legs, I have not had one bent cannula, this was something that happened often when i still used my stomach for my pump infusion set."

Guys use their legs, too. Including this pump user.

A late entry comes from this patch pump user. What goes on around the front, goes on around the back.

So, there's a splattering of lovely people and their tech sites. What, me? Alright then. It seems only fair that I show you some of my tech sites from over the years.

GlucoMen Day CGM on my tummy.

Libre leg.

Dexcom arm

Thank you very to everybody who contributed to this blog. I think we could make a calendar from these photos. Imagine seeing my thigh on June 1st!? K, maybe not.  Also, for confirmation, all contributions to this blog agreed to me publishing their image and quoting their words.

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!

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