Diabetic Dad's Stuff

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Diabetes Community Fragments


It hasn't been very long since my last blog and I'm glad about that. I seem to be slipping into the habit of writing one or two blogs per week. I write when something related to diabetes is on my mind. Often it's topical, such as the last blog about Diabetes Jokes, sometimes it's simply related to an experience that I'd like to get off my chest. I'm glad it hasn't been long since my last blog because that particular incident ended on a positive note and I feel like I can move away from that, at least for the time being! and talk about something else.

I intended to write about peer support in the Diabetes Community, over the Easter weekend. That was put on the back burner until today. Now, it's time to boil up that pot!

There has been a lot of chatter stemming from some of the larger Twitter accounts about peer support within DOC, GBDoc and many other area specific communities, of late. What usually happens when a few larger accounts "make some noise" is that many others suffer a severe case of FOMO. What on earth is FOMO? It's Fear Of Missing Out. From there, those accounts will usually jump aboard the bandwagon, whether it is positive or negative in nature. FOMO is a real thing for some diabetes related accounts, as is the need to stay relevant and have content. I'll get back to that on another occasion because I'm digressing and that is a subject for a blog all on its own.

Peer support! Yes. We love it, don't we? The drum that I've been banging around peer support is very much a beaten one. I've spoken about the positives and the huge impact it has had on my diabetes management, from overcoming social anxieties to accessing diabetes technology and everything in between, not least gaining lots of friends along the way. I am massively grateful for my peers, mostly within #GBDoc #IREDoc and #NIDoc and I will happily give those people my time and support whenever I am able.

It sounds fantastic. It mostly is. There are, however things I'd like to note and offer some caution over:

- Peer support isn't for everybody.
Just as tech isn't for everybody and we're all different in the way we manage our diabetes, it's important to realise that peer support won't be welcomed by everyone. To have it offered and easily accessible is wonderful but it should never be forced on a PWD. As peer support talk is appearing in healthcare circles, I am very interested to see how this is brought into conversation between HCP and patient.

- Fragmented communities.
It's a schoolyard out there. Ready for a few negatives? Envy, Bullying, Harassment, Stalkers, Drama, Sex, Lies and Videotape!  All of those things can happen in any splinter of society. The more people that are clustered together, the more chance of something nasty happening. From the nasty incidents, the communities become fragmented as individuals "take sides". The subtweets begin, the DMs are sent... sigh, it can get very teenagery even among mature adults. Eventually, people grow tired of the drama and aggression and they leave the community or lock their accounts or simply block those who are the sources of negativity. Personally, I'm a blocker. 

- Leader of the gang.
Does a community need a leader or leaders? I've debated the issue with friends many times. I'm swayed towards No. I've heard some people describe others as "Prominent members of GBDoc" in reference to holding their views in higher regard. That sits uncomfortably with me and has a strong odour of The Old Boy's Club about it. It hints at a pecking order which shouldn't exist on a free to use social media platform. Status and follower numbers do not influence me. I think it's important to hold each other in the same high regard unless words or actions indicate otherwise. So, should Peer Support "Leaders" become a thing then I think we could be in danger of following the path of Advocates and frequently heard public speakers. Which path? Read this blog: Hearing Voices I really hope we don't repeat the mistake of repeating the voices, should the NHS begin selecting peer support leaders.

I've expressed some caution there but please do not be put off diabetes communities. Where ever you find one, which might be helpful to you in managing your diabetes, join in and engage. For the most part, they are wonderful places with wonderful people.

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I do appreciate your visit and your support. As you might know, I LOVE COFFEE! So I've teamed up with a thing called Buy Me A Coffee. If you enjoy my content and appreciate the time it takes to create such things then you can buy me a coffee! If you leave your Twitter @ name when you buy me a coffee, I will personally thank you. If you'd rather be anonymous then that's totally cool. Thanks for the caffeine!

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