Monday, February 1, 2021

Shares in Diabetes

Diabetes is certainly a long term investment. Selling out would be great, wouldn't it?

Sadly, this particular deal is locked in for life. Unless, of course, there is a cure in around... oh, shall we say 5 years?

I can already imagine that you're reading this and demanding to know what this blog is about. Shares? in Diabetes?

Like the FTSE Check 100? 

Or the Low Jones!

Maybe it's going to be something related to Pharma and their Banting Juice businesses.

No. What I'm going to write about today is the sharing of information in regards to your diabetes. The passing of tips, the screenshots from heaven (or hell), the freely offered resources you have stored in your brain from your diabetes experiences. Perhaps your HbA1c! Eeek!

I think it's all marvellous. I think it's really useful to hear about the experiences of others but not to compare myself or make myself feel like a failure because somebody had a better day than me. It's great to read about the successes and the tone of excitement in a tweet when the sender feels good about how they're managing their condition. I love that! and I take huge encouragement from A1cs which are lower than mine, TIRs that are higher than mine and people living great, long lives with Type 1 Diabetes.

I know sharing isn't for everybody. I know some take things very personally. I can't offer much advice if that relates to you, only that Diabetes is an endless supply of good and not-so-good times. Everybody has had an awful day but not everybody will tweet about it. 

I TRY to offer both sides of my Diabetes "coin". I tweet about the good days, the awful days and everything in between. I tweet about the things that I shouldn't do, such as reuse my needles and lancets, much to the eye-rolling of the DSNs. 

I won't apologise for that and I won't change. I do actually change my needles now, I mean I won't change what I choose to shares. I do my best to be a real diabetic. I do my best to give my honest views about diabetes. I... just do my best, as I'm sure many of you do. There is no such person as the perfect diabetic.

So, take on board as much shared information as you can. Don't try to emulate anything without proper medical advice. Don't be afraid to offer your views or your experience. You'll be surprised at just how many people you're helping.

Talking of sharing experiences! How do you fancy earning an extra £80 for a quick telephone call? I'll let Anne from QualWorld explain:

We are conducting a market research study among young people (16-20) and carers of children with T1D that would like to share their experiences of living with T1D. We would like to hear from carers of babies, toddlers and children up to the age of 13. Teens between 13 and 15 have the opportunity to participate together with their carer or under the supervision of their carer and express their own opinion, but carers can opt to speak on behalf of their 13 to 15 year olds if they wish to do so.
Participants will receive £80 GBP for a 60 min telephone interview.

To take part just visit:

For information email:

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